A coach takes pride in being able to be of help to anyone, able to coach
almost anyone as they ultimately need redirect your own natural resources and abilities. However, in
coaching, as in various other professional fields, it helps greatly for the coach to be experienced in the
niche that they intend to operate and help people in.
The niche is defined by the intersectionality
of 3 things, passion, experience, and the understanding of the types of challenges faced by people in that
Mantha Bala brings a great deal to the table. With over three and a half decades of
experience, two and half decades of which have been with enterprises. On this corporate journey, he has
worked in different highly competitive industries, in several roles, performing various functions and
managing multiple teams. He has gained valuable experience and first-hand insight into the challenged faced
by executives, leaders, and organizations at the various stages of a company’s evolution.
Over the
past decade as an entrepreneur, he has accumulated extensive knowledge about the challenges and hurdles
those small businesses and entrepreneurs have to overcome. His story is one of resilience, determination,
and change. He is faced the question “What’s next?” and stared it down, answering it time after time. You
can get a better look at his life through his book, expected to hit shelves sometime in the coming
ManthaBala’s passion shines through in everything he does. You can find out more if you take a
look at The Mindset: Innovation as an Intrapreneur in www.manthabala.in
under “About ManthaBala”.
As you can see from the Coaching Tree provided on the website, Coaching
is all about growth. Moving from the dark, stagnant habits of the ground up to the well-lit canopy. In the
coaching process, you will be encouraged to introspect and use a variety of assessment tools. Sometimes this
process will involve brainstorming. During the intensive sessions, the coach peppers you with powerful and
observant questions. The skill of asking powerful questions becomes very important and hence proper training
in that space plays a vital role in your progress.
Just as any tree, Coaching bears fruit as long you
are committed to the process. It requires accountability and an eagerness to achieve one’s goals. Only
through dedicated, hard work can one achieve lasting and sustainable change.
In addition to his vast
reservoir of experience, ManthaBala is one of a precious few people globally who’ve been trained in both the
ACSTH and the ACTP coaching paths (With around 225 hours of coach training) and with certifications in all
the relevant niches.
If you wish to find out more, please visit the Certifications page at www.manthabala.in for further details.
On my
website you will also find many resources to outline what one should look for when choosing a coach. If the
criteria on the page matches the reasons I’ve become a coach then I believe that I’m the coach you
I hope to connect with you soon!