It’s not actually the change itself we resist, it’s the transition we
must go through in order to fully accept and process the change that’s the most difficult.
William Bridges, preeminent authority on change and transition says, “It isn’t the changes that do you in,
it’s the transitions. Change is situational, transition is the psychological process people go through to
come to terms with the new situation.
Change is external, transition is
”Finding Pathways to Purpose has been developed around four foundational
pillars to guide students through this career coaching program.
F: Frame (of reference): Creating clarity on the goal and
gaps for students in the career coaching sessions I: Illuminate: Bringing awareness into
the coaching conversation to inform students career path N: Navigate: Strategically
exploring and preparing various assessments and tools to create awareness and move students into
action D: Deliver: Crafting actions that align with client’s values, beliefs and goals to
advance career goals This career coaching program was constructed by pursuing two
In this high-impact, 8-week program for students, (1 Hour a
Understanding Purpose vs. Calling.
Managing Transitions & Interventions
Using Assessments in Career/Transition
Goal Setting
Understanding some common roadblocks
Understanding actions
Other areas in which we use transition coaching are: Retirement
Coaching This transition coaching is used effectively for retirees because retirement is an
important life transition with an important emotional component. Retirement is much more than money, but
retirees don’t think much of it. It’s easy for retirees to fall into the trap of becoming narrowly focused
on saving for retirement while ignoring the need to prepare to retire well. Career Reentry
Coaching If you are out of the workforce for an extended period of time, you find the prospect of
returning to work somewhat discouraging at best. But going out of the traditional career path to raise a
family, care for a sick parent or spouse, or whatever is common. You would also be walked thru the career
coaching program.
The participants can avail 4 Individual coaching sessions of 1 Hr