with empathy and equity


However, sometimes we find ourselves stuck. We ask ourselves “What’s Next?” and can’t seem to come up with an answer. Let me ask you that question right now. Note how this question makes you feel.

What’s next?
What came to mind? The “next” could refer to so many things. What is next in your personal or professional life? What did you feel? Did the question make you feel confused or disoriented?

These are complex emotions, and it helps to have someone to help you unpack them and explore the underlying factors that are causing you distress. This is where Mantha Bala comes in. Using my coaching competencies, I help you to tap into your own resources, finding solutions that you may not have thought yourself capable of.

As you can see from the Coaching Tree provided on the website, Coaching is about growth. It is moving from dark, stagnant habits that tie us to the ground to the well-lit canopy on top.

In the coaching process, you will be encouraged to introspect and use a variety of assessment tools. Sometimes this process will involve brainstorming. During the intensive sessions, the coach peppers you with powerful and observant questions. The skill of asking powerful questions becomes very important and hence proper training in that space plays a vital role in your progress.

Just as in the case of any tree, Coaching bears fruit as long you are committed to the process. It requires accountability and an eagerness to achieve one’s goals. Only through dedicated, hard work can one achieve lasting and sustainable change.

The focus is primarily on students, and it starts with helping students imbibe the spirit and entrepreneurial mindset. One of the leading entrepreneurs, Mr. Anand Mahindra, while sharing a video on 30th June 2021, tweeted saying, “This explains—better than any management lecture—the advantages in business of being small, nimble and quick-witted. That’s why large companies need to carve out start-up teams &start-up cultures within themselves to pursue new opportunities”.

The students with a positive “growth mindset” start their journey and explore the new world with a “Transition Coaching Program” and FIND pathways to a career based on purpose, values, motivation and their strengths. Two paths open for the students, either to embrace “Intrapreneurship” or “Entrepreneurship”.

The students that pursue the path of “Intrapreneurship” have an opportunity to explore through our “Executive Coaching Program” and “find the leader within them” and grow to become a “positive leader.” Current working executives can also take advantage of this.

The students once they become a leader, can further explore through the “Leadership Coaching Program” and design a “C SUITE leadership within them” and grow to become one of CXO’s. Current working leaders can also take advantage of this.

The students that pursue the “entrepreneurship” have an opportunity to explore through our “Entrepreneurial Mindset Program” and “discover the entrepreneur in them” and further explore through our “Small Business & Entrepreneur Coaching Program” and further “develop an entrepreneur in them” and grow to become a successful entrepreneur. Current small business owners or entrepreneurs can also take advantage of this.

I coach students, executives, leaders, small business owners and entrepreneurs through the various situations and problems they might be facing and help them reflect on their goals. I support them while they try to answer the question: “What’s next?” helping them explore the various ways they can introspect and use their own mental, physical and emotional resources to achieve their goals. You can explore this power of coaching through our “₹999 Discovery Session” and educate yourself to embrace change.

You also get an opportunity to “discover yourself” more using our different assessment tools, and know your “reflective best self”, design your own “MAP” (My Action Plan), and define your leadership and attitude statement to the world that you arrived.

If you still have thoughts such as ‘Why Coaching?’, ‘What should you expect from Coaching?’, ‘Why Coaching works always?’, ‘Who should be my coach?’ and ‘Why Mantha Bala?’ I request you to take time and read through each page.

On my website you will also find many resources to outline what one should look for when choosing a coach. If the criterion on the page matches the reasons I’ve become a coach, then I believe that I’m the coach you need.

I hope to connect with you soon!

Coaching | Consulting | Training


ICF defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential,” which is particularly important.

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Amplify your growth by enrolling in Ampgro Programs.

Coaching Model

Any service or product is first introduced to you through its benefits. Coaching, as a service, has various benefits. Here are a few of them as outlined by the ICF (international Coaching Federation)


I’m going to ask you a question now. I’d like you to note how this question makes you feel.

What’s next?
What came to mind? The “next” could refer to so many things. What is next in your personal or professional life? What did you feel? Did the question make you feel confused or disoriented?

These are complex emotions, and it helps to have someone to help you unpack them and explore the underlying factors that are causing you distress. This is where Mantha Bala comes in, using his coaching competencies, and redirecting you to tap into your own resources, finding solutions that you may not have thought yourself capable of.

A coach takes pride in being able to be of help to anyone, able to coach almost anyone as they ultimately need redirect your own natural resources and abilities. However, in coaching, as in various other professional fields, it helps greatly for the coach to be experienced in the niche that they intend to operate and help people in.

The niche is defined by the intersectionality of 3 things, passion, experience, and the understanding of the types of challenges faced by people in that niche.

Mantha Bala brings a great deal to the table. With over three and a half decades of experience, two and half decades of which have been with enterprises. On this corporate journey, he has worked in different highly competitive industries, in several roles, performing various functions and managing multiple teams. He has gained valuable experience and first-hand insight into the challenged faced by executives, leaders, and organizations at the various stages of a company’s evolution.

Over the past decade as an entrepreneur, he has accumulated extensive knowledge about the challenges and hurdles those small businesses and entrepreneurs have to overcome. His story is one of resilience, determination, and change. He is faced the question “What’s next?” and stared it down, answering it time after time. You can get a better look at his life through his book, expected to hit shelves sometime in the coming year.

Mantha Bala’s passion shines through in everything he does. You can find out more if you take a look at The Mindset: Innovation as an Intrapreneur in under “About Mantha Bala”.

As you can see from the Coaching Tree provided on the website, Coaching is all about growth. Moving from the dark, stagnant habits of the ground up to the well-lit canopy. In the coaching process, you will be encouraged to introspect and use a variety of assessment tools. Sometimes this process will involve brainstorming. During the intensive sessions, the coach peppers you with powerful and observant questions. The skill of asking powerful questions becomes very important and hence proper training in that space plays a vital role in your progress.

Just as any tree, Coaching bears fruit as long you are committed to the process. It requires accountability and an eagerness to achieve one’s goals. Only through dedicated, hard work can one achieve lasting and sustainable change.

In addition to his vast reservoir of experience, Mantha Bala is one of a precious few people globally who’ve been trained in both the ACSTH and the ACTP coaching paths (With around 225 hours of coach training) and with certifications in all the relevant niches.

If you wish to find out more, please visit the Certifications page at for further details.

On my website you will also find many resources to outline what one should look for when choosing a coach. If the criteria on the page matches the reasons I’ve become a coach then I believe that I’m the coach you need.

I hope to connect with you soon!

Coaching | Consulting | Training

Really excited and looking forward to the coaching sessions with Mantha sir. He had been a great mentor for me at UKMS and I am glad the association continues. He is someone who can help you look within to identify strengths, find answers, and a perspective. I am sure this is going to positively contribute to many growth stories. Onwards. Upwards.

Kiran Sabbineni
Electrical Team Coordinator

I had an opportunity to take the awareness coaching from Bala. His coaching approach is very professional, prepared, and committed to the client. With innovative strategies in the conversation, he makes the client come up with effective solutions to their goals. Ending the session by following the SMART approach gives the client to break down the high-level goals into smaller and easy to attain timely tasks. Another interesting aspect is that Bala’s coaching can be applied to both professional and personal development. Looking forward to tapping into Bala’s valuable management experience and shaping my professional and personal career. All the best, Bala.

Sateesh Ayyagari
Senior SDET